The tops of most Krishot mandolins are made from South Alaska Sitka Spruce. This area in particular, thanks to both the soil rich in minerals and to adequately humid, but not extremely cold seaside climate, produces high quality resonating Spruces. The timber gains further favorable properties there from rafting in a sea bay. Less often used are the red or yellow cedars from the same area, Engelmann Spruce from Canada, Colorado Blue Spruce, Red Spruce from Adirondacks or the German Spruce.
The back, sides and neck are mostly made from Slovakian Rock Maple (Acer Pseudoplatanus). This one usually displays an irregular surface pattern, but considerable hardness. The Bosnian or American Big-leaf Maples, mahogany, wild cherry and other hardwoods are used rarely.
Fretboards are made of ebony.